I think: YES!:)
This candy is a bit different from others. There are three prizes, but only one for you.
The two others goes to two friends of your choice.
How to do this?
Just leave me a comment on this post, where you link back to your two friends.
This is a great way to surprise someone!
Ok then, only two friends:)
Here are the lovely prizes.
All stamps are generously given to me from Katharina. The rest are my favourite embellishments.
1. Whiff of Joy: The Banquete Hall, a lot of pearls, pink mesh, silver hearts, and tulle in blue, pink, gold and black.

Here is what you have to do:
- Write a comment here, where you also leave me a link for two bloggers you want to do something nice for.
- Write about my candy in your blog.
* If you don't have a blog, you can enter. But please leave me your e-mail address, so I can get back to you:)
I will draw the winner(s) randomly Sunday 5th of April.
194 kommentarer:
Det här var ju ett roligt sätt att ha en blog candy på!
De 2 vänner jag önskar ska få pris med mig är Camilla med http://kamillasscrapping.blogspot.com/ och Anette med http://netter.bloggagratis.se/.
Så nu är det bara till att hoppas och vänta...
Trevlig helg!!
Oj, for noen premier!! Dette var en kjempe snill og fin bloggcandy!! Tenk så mange man kan glede :)
Jeg har veldig lyst til å glede to venner av meg,som er veldig flinke til å scrappe! Og de er også veldig flinke til å oppdatere bloggen sin! Cathrine er den første www.kreativekikki.blogspot.com og den andre er Carina, http://lenoresverden.blogspot.com/
krysser fingrene for oss ungberter denne gangen * ler * :D GOD HELG
Hi Camilla! This is great, gorgeous candy, really would like to win it. My blog friends that I would love to have the prize are:
Emma: http://craftyemma.blogspot.com/
and Vanja: http://justheather-valems.blogspot.com/
Thanks for the chance! have a nice weekend! Hugs, Moni
What a lovely way to give out some surprise candy. I have placed a link in my sidebar of my blog.
I would like to nominate the following two friends of mine for candy:-
Many thanks for the opportunity to win.
Jayne xx
Det er en fantastisk sød måde at lave en blog candy på - tak for muligheden :o)
De to venner jeg ønsker at linke til er:
Så nu krydser jeg fingre.
Ha´ en dejlig weekend
Hei Camilla
Dette var en veldig hyggelig vri på en candy * den likte jeg. Og så lekre priser man kan vinne! Jeg krysser fingrene for meg og mine venner!
Jeg har lyst til å overraske disse to bloggvennene mine:
Gro som alltid har en hyggelig kommentar og som lager masse lekkert: http://groskortblogg.blogspot.com/
Den andre er May-Bente som også lager de lekreste ting og alltid har en varm hilsen: http://may-benteshobby.blogspot.com/
Takk for all inspirasjon du deler
Ha en fin helg
bonjour camillas
je tente ma chance ainsi que pour 2 de mes amies dont voici les blogs
Nanou : http://lescreasdenanou.over-blog.com/
Vanessa : http://petitpipouille.over-blog.com/
merci pour votre générosité et bonne chance à toutes.
Hi Camilla, that is the nicest blog candy ever, what a thoughtful idea.
My lovely friends who I'd like to share this with if I was THAT lucky are Steph at Much Ado About Nothing and Amanda at Amanda's Paper Palace.
Good luck to everyone and thank you so much for this lovley sharing candy.
Caryn xxx
Thank you for this opportunity. I would like to nominate these two friends as whenever I am down they are their for me either on the phone or by sending me small raks through the post to cheer me up.
Firstly my best friend Cathy.
and secondly Jane.
I think that this is such a lovely idea
Vicky x
What a great idea and great candy. The two friends that I'd like to have the candy are:
Mar http://mrs-mag.blogspot.com/
Debbi http://wiccababe.blogspot.com/
I'm off to post a link on my blog. Hugs, Lainy xxx
dejlig blog candy mums *Ü*
jeg vil linke til disse to damer,
og Chris
to af mine gode venner som fortjener lidt ekstra forkælelse
knus Annita
Kjempefin måte å lage en candy på.
Og for noen flotte pakker, så snill du er :o)
Jeg vil nominere:
Torill http://screppa.blogspot.com/
og Trine http://trinesin.blogg.no/
Ha ei kjmpegod og kreativ helg :o)
Vilken fantastiskt rolig idé!!
Jag har länkat här och jag skulle vilja nominera...
Linda, för att hon tror på att människor kan förändras (och bevisar det själv! *ler*) och Annika för att hon är en superbra vän och för att hon jobbar 15 timmar om dagen och skulle behöva en glad överraskning. :)
Ps. Tog bort min förra kommentar, för jag hade skrivit fel! *ler*
Hi camilla what a great way to give!!.
My 2 blogs I wish to upload :
Vilket fint sätt att ha en blogg candy på.
Och det blir kul att dela candyn med
och Gunilla
Kram Sinikka
hi camilla,
Many thanks for the opportunity to win.
The 2 friends that I'd like to have the candy are:
1. http://orlishamir.blogspot.com/
2. http://www.tapuz.co.il/blog/userBlog.asp?FolderName=gallish
Dette var en super duper vri av en candy. Ingenting hadde vært mer hyggelig enn å vinne sammen med
og Heidi
Ha en strålende helg :o)
Hilsen Rita
What a fun and fabulous idea!!!!
I'd love to win and give some goodies to my friends as well...
Denise: http://www.denisesstampingpage.blogspot.com/
Thanks for the chance, I linked you in my sidebar.
For en fin blog candy, denne må jeg bare være med på=)
De to jeg ønsker skal få en overraskelse er:
Nå får jeg bare krysse fingrer og tær=D
What a fab idea and great candy goodies.... the two friends i would like to nominate would be....
Thanks for the chance to win have linked to my blog hugs kirsten...x
hi,its very good candy,
my friends
and my -livejournal-http://rublevochka-ka.livejournal.com/17300.html
WOW, for en flott candy du har!
Ikke noe er som å spre glede blant scrappere og kortlagere.
De to jeg ønsker å dele denne candyen med er: Gry-Heidi og Maya, som begge er kjempeflink med papir og ikke minst på å oppdatere bloggene sine. I tillegg lager de mye som har inspirert meg til nye ideer.
Ønsker deg en riktig GOD HELG!
Wow, Camilla what a wonderful Blogcandy and great Idea. Thanks for the chance to win, I linked you in my sidebar......
My Blogfriends are:
http://stempelmagie.blogspot.com/ sweet Tanja
sweet Ingela http://scrappeliscrap.blogg.se/
Big Hugs
Hi Camilla! Thank you for a chance to win one of these fabulous blog candies! I posted the link with a picture of your candy in my sidebar.
My friends are:
Anne http://stargrovesblog.blogspot.com/
Have a lovely evening
Hi Camilla
This is a fantastic way to offer blog candy! I love it! My rwo blog friends who I would love to receive some blog candy from you are:
Amanda - http://sticklepink.blogspot.com/
Bev - http://bevscrafts.blogspot.com/
(especially because she has had a really rough time lately with her little companions).
This is a really wonderful idea! But it's also difficult to decide who of my friends should be surprised :)
I would love to think about Maria from Argentina at http://azzolinas.blogspot.com. And then my stamping sister Nadine at http://basteltiger.blogspot.com .
Så koselig med denne blog candyen! Veldig hyggelig å kunne dele med noen hvis en skulle være så heldig å vinne:)
De jeg ønsker å dele med er:
Liv Hilde og
Liv Hilde er min gode kollega og "stempelfrende". Så fint å dele denne interessen med noen!
Hanne er ei dame som jeg egentlig ikke kjenner..? Møtt henne gjennom bloggen min. Hun er råflink og til stor inspirasjon for meg. Disse damene har virkelig fortjent en candy!
Og nå gjenstår det bare å krysse fingrene...
God helg til deg:)
Klem fra Hanne
så flott candy. ønsker å nominerer:
dette er kjempeflinke og koselige damer eg har blitt kjent med gjennom bloggeland.
klem fra Benedicte
Åh, Camilla! Så fin måte å ha blogcandy på! Og så flotte premier! Jeg er gjerne med, jeg har spredt det glade budskap om din candy http://eba-et-al.blogspot.com/2009/03/camillas-whiff-of-joy-candy.htmlher
Mine to venner som jeg ønsker skal få være med i trekningen, er:
Marte og
som begge er glade i, og flinke til å lage kort. En er hjemmeværende tobarns-mamma, den andre er lærerstudent.
Takk for sjangsen! :D
Camilla what a fabulous idea for candy! I love the idea of surprising friends! It was so hard to pick just two! However the two that I am picking are two of my great blogging buddies! I got Tiffaney hooked on the WOJs, and I know Deb would love to have some new WOJs in her collection too! Both of these girls always leave me such wonderful comments on my blog and I would love to give them a special surprise for all of their kindness! Thank you so much for the chance to win and surprise two of my great friends!
Have a great weekend Camilla!
Hugs~ Kim
Waow.. detta va ny og kjempe kosle vri på blogcandyen med to venner som vinner og!!! Då håpar eg veeldig på at da er eg som vinner for eg har veldig lyst til å overaske Jannhild og Kristine.
Krysser fingrane...
Så koselig blog candy! Veldig god idé:) Hvis jeg vinner vil jeg gjerne dele gleden med marie og hege-annie
Hi!!! your creations are so wonderful. I hope I can wind this candy! My friends will be
1. http://mlvp-todoloquemegusta.blogspot.com/
2. http://sellosrosachic.blogspot.com/
Thank you for the opportunity.
wow, what a great candy!!! Thanks for chance to win!
Have a nice weekend!
Tar gärna del i utlottningen.
Här är mina två vänner
Ha en trevlig helg!
OOOOO< WOW, Yummy Candy and so sweet to give to friends as well!
I would choose Tammi at http://tropicaldreams-17.blogspot.com/
and Kim at http://sunshinydayswithkim.blogspot.com
(I'm adding you to my Candy Bar on my blog now!!!)
your candy Is really special, it's so cute! Thank you very much for the opportunity to get ti!
My friends:
Det er en fantastisk Blog Candy, Camilla.
De 2 Venniner jeg ønsker skal få pris er
-Carola, http://www.carolas-basteleck.blogspot.com/
-Anne, http://anne581.blogspot.com/
Klem Sabrina
For en utrolig flott måte å holde en blog candy på! Og såå flotte premier! Her MÅ jeg bare melde på, med mine to venner
Marie og
Klemmer, Hege
Oooooh fabulous
links on my blog: http://christalove.canalblog.com/archives/2009/03/28/13166347.html#comments
And two friends:
Thanks for this chance
For en spennende og anderledes blogg candy! Koselig at vi kan få sjansen til å "sette" ekstra pris på noen som vi virkelig setter pris på! Hihi!
Jeg ville gjerne dele denne sjansen med Karianne, som gir meg masse inspirasjon, og er ei kjempekoselig og snill jente! http://kaias-side.blogspot.com
Å så har Elisabeth fortjent den, for ho er grunnen til at jeg holder på med denne fantastiske hobbyen. Ho har gjort så utrolig mye for så mange kortgale damer her i Sauda! Ho har vært og er helt utrolig! http://elisabeths-kortoglitt.blogspot.com/
Så tusen takkk Camilla, for at du gir oss sjansen til å være med på dette!
Hejsan !
Nu är det vinter igen och blir det aldrig VÅR!
Som tur är så lyser du upp dagen med en härlig BlogCandy;)
Åh, det är inte bara ett pris utan tre...Du är bara såå snäll Camilla.
Mina två vänner som jag vill överaska med ett litet vår paket är.
En rutinerad kortmakare och en ny liten stjärna.
Hanna: http://hannashobbyblogg.blogspot.com
Det skulle vara så roligt att få överaska med ett vårpaket:)
Tack för din fina Candy som du ordnar för oss..
Kramar Camilla
Wow, what a fab idea. This is my blog here
I would love to do something nice for Lorraine. You can find her blog here. She is such a nice person.
And the other person is Bev. I really think she needs a RAK of some sort to cheer her up just now. She is having a bad few months. Her blog is here.
Thank you so much for the chance to win and also for encouraging us to think of other people too
Suzanne x
Ok, for some reason, I can't make the link to Bev's blog so... www.bevscrafts.blogspot.com
Suzanne x
Well what can say but I LOVE YOUR STUFF!! It's been a great inspiration to me and I keep returning to check on your blog.
As I don't have a blog I can't really call anyone a blog friend but would like to add these people and it was hard choice cause there are so many wonderful talented people out there. http://scrapperlious.blogspot.com & http://papirrommet.blogspot.com
Thanks for the chance to be in to win.
Så koselig blogcandy du har laget istand. Pleier egentlig ikke hive meg på candyer hos dem jeg ikke "kjenner", men her kan man få med venner og, så her hiver jeg meg på. Men jeg har sett det du lager, og du er utrolig flink.
Her er de jeg gjerne vil ha med
Gry-Heidi og Benedicte
Very nice candy!
The 2 friends that I'd like to have the candy are:
Hei Camilla!
Dette var en kjempekoselig blogcandy.
De jeg vil dele med hvis jeg er så heldig å vinne er:
hi camilla
what a great candy idea
thanks fot the chance to win
this are my two blogfriends
she is such a sweet lady who has alwys a nice word for everybody
also a very nice lady
hugs hannie
Det var en artig vri! Jeg linker til denne fra min blogg, og mine to utvalgte venninner er Kari og Asil.
Aloha Canilla. This is such gorgeous candy, I only have 1 Whiff of Joy stamp and I would love to win this and added to my collection. Thanks for the chance to win.
Hi Camilla
What a lovely idea for a blog candy and 3 fab giveaways here!
I've added this to my sidebar on my blog and the two friends I'd like to share this with are:
Sarah- http://tiggertastic.blogspot.com/
Thanks for the chance
Det var en morsom candy! Legger her ved to linker personer som fortjener å vinne:
Grete og
Fab blog candy, thank for the chance to win it.
I don`t have a blog, but the 2 blogs I would like to give a prize to are
Bev at: http://bevscrafts.blogspot.com/
and Toni at
Super this batch!!! thank you, if ever I gain, I selected Isabelle who ace not of blog, I will transmit to him and my nsp Thyli http://lescrapdethyli.over-blog.com/ still thank you for this super idea
Hi Camilla, This is a really lovely idea, very generous. Thanks so much for giving me the chance to win!
The friends that I would like to win are:
Mina : http://pinkpuds.blogspot.com/
Kerry: http://aloadofoldpickle.blogspot.com/
I have linked you candy on my sidebar!
Erin x
What lovely blog cany up for grabs Camilla! I have not been blogging much this week and my what lovely cards i've missed! you have been busy and all the cards you've made are stunning as always. Hope you have a great weekend, hugs Linda x
Wow what a great candy,and great idea.
Thanks for the chance to win!
I nominate two friends:
greetings Emilie from holland
This is my first visit to your blog, but you have some beautiful cards here! Thanks for a chance to win your wonderful candy!
Sorry forgot to add. My two friends would be Dawne: http://dawneys-delights.blogspot.com/
and Teri: http://bigideasfromalittlegirl.blogspot.com/
The Whiff of Joy set is splendid. I already have my creative imagination flowing with several ideas of things I can make with the items in the set and send to my two friends, both of whom are having rough times right now and could really use a pleasant surprise to brighten their day. One link, for one friend, is: http://prpldy15.blogspot.com/
The other friends link is: http://pumpkinseedsoriginals.blogspot.com/
Thank you so much for holding the drawing and giving me a chance to win Whiff of Joy to make some things with and send to those two gals to wish them well with what they are going through.
visionquest2020 at msn dot com
Helt underbar blogcandy! Och ännu bättre att man får dela med sig :)
De jag vill dela med mig till är Jennie http://penniscrap.blogg.se/ som är min allra bästa vän och som delar mitt scrapintresse, och som jag saknar varje dag (vi har flyttat 13 mil bort, bodde nästan grannar innan).
Zarah http://zarischka.blogspot.com/ en nyfunnen vän (fast vi vetat om varandra sen skolan, men kom inte riktigt överens då) som är grym på att scrappa och oerhört trevlig!
Nu hoppas jag bara på lite tur också ;) Ha en trevlig helg!
Camilla, what a great idea. Here are my two Poppet and Andie
this was tough!
1. http://mayadahan.blogspot.com/
2. http://www.tapuz.co.il/blog/userBlog.asp?FolderName=gallish
and this is my blog:
Så morsom blogcandy, dette vil jeg gjerne delta på http://ritaskosekrok.blogg.no/
Link til mine venner http://stempelgalsverden.blogspot.com/ og
Thank you Camilla for such a lovely candy idea! I have added your candy to my blog (www.mckinkle-poppydog.blogspot.com) and the 2 friends I would love to win a prize are:
Michelle http://thelilacdiary.blogspot.com/ and
Good luck everyone!
wow,,, thanks for the great offer of sweets,,, I love your blog, I drop by almost daily.
Hei! Dette var en flott og meget spesiell candy - klart jeg vil være med sammen med et par blogg venner.
Først og fremst Torill som "lurte" meg inn i denne vidunderlige verden http://screppa.blogspot.com/. Så tar jeg med Jannhild som jeg vant candy hos nettopphttp://jannhild.blogspot.com/
Da venter vi i spenning...
Ha en fortsatt flott helg!
Hilsen fra Marit
Flott og annerledes candy! :)
Har skrevet om den i "sidebaren" i bloggen min.
Mine to venner:
Ida http://idainoslo.blogspot.com/
HEi. for en koselig bolg candy!
Eg ønsker å glede Eba:
Og Astri:
som begge elsker å lage kort.
Ha ei kjempekoselig helg!
Oh this is a lovely idea Camilla. I love Elisabeth's dsigns so much, and won't find them here, so besides myself I will nominate my friend Lim (as I know she can do with some surprise) and Josianne , who like me lives in this tiny island where you won't find any Whiff of Joys :) So we'd be dslighted!! :) Thank you
For en super blogg Candy!! WOJ har jo bare super lekre stempler, og har raskt blitt en av mine favoritter....-så denne candy'en va jo noe som smeltet mitt hjerte...:D
Jeg har lyst til å glede to av mine stempelvenner:
Artig måte å ha en candy på og for noen flotte premier, jeg har linket til deg fra min Blog
de to venner jeg ønsker å glede er
Ha en super helg
Nice candy!
My link is http://miawoo.blogspot.com/2009/03/blog-candy-0504.html
And my two friends are:
thanks for fabulous candy blog
and for my friends
What a wonderful Candy! Maybe i have Luck! I put you on my Sidebar!
Hugs Tina
wow lovely candy and great idea!!!
my blog friends are:
i've linked it on my blog also:
Thank you!!!
så morsom måte og dele en blog candy på:-)
de jeg vil dele med er
da har jeg lagt inn ett innlegg i bloggen min og linket hit til candyen din så da er det vel bare og krysse fingrene sine:-)
what a great blog candy!
i posted a link for it in my blog candy box in my blog:
and the 2 freinds i would love to win for are:
thank you for the opportunity!
What a special blog candy idea!
My 2 friends i'd like to pamper with your blog candy are Chen: http://www.tapuz.co.il/blog/userBlog.asp?FolderName=cheniros
and Emilia (who just got married!): http://www.tapuz.co.il/blog/userblog.asp?foldername=craftygirl
and the link to the blog candy on my blog: http://buligaia.blogspot.com/
Oj, vilken underbar bloggcandy!!! Så klart jag vill vara med!
Dessa två vänner vill jag gärna nominera:
Båda två är så väl värda en liten uppmuntran!
Ha en go söndagskväll!
This is such a brilliant and generous idea! Thank you for the chance to win! Here's my post, with links to my friends!
Så flott candy Camilla!
Det er kun hos deg jkeg har vinnerlykke, så satser igjen ;-)
Jeg vil gjerne gi ei overraskelse til disse to for de fortjener det:
Tove, http://prosjektprosjekter.blogspot.com/
Ha en fin kveld!
Hi Camila, great candy!
The 2 friends that I'd like to have the candy are:
Thank's for the chance to win.
I've link to sidebar on my blog.
Hugs from Brasil.
Hello Camilla!!and greetings from Finland.Great candy!!!!i take link to my blog http://vasemmalkadella.blogspot.com/
Wow, for en utrolig flott candy! Det er nok mange som fortjener en sånn oppmerksomhet, men jeg kjenner ikke så mange andre som holder på med dette.
Men jeg er så heldig å ha blitt kjent med Maya, som er en kjempeflink scrapper.
og så må jeg bare velge en annen fra blogglista mi.
Så får vi bare krysse fingrene, og håpe :O)
Oj for en morsom blogcandy da. Så hyggelig måte å gjøre det på, også for noen utrolig bra premier.
Mine 2 venner er:
Marianne: http://mariannespapir.blogspot.com/
Åse: http://aaseslilleverden.blogspot.com/
Nå gjenstår det bare å krysse fingrene og håpe denne kommer min vei :)
Waht a lovely idea for a candy give-away!
I've put a photo and link in the sidebar of my blog.
The two friends I'd like to nomiate are: Pauline and Cathy
Thanks for the chacne to win!
Helen x
Fantastic way , to give out some surprise candy Camilla. I have placed a link in my sidebar of my blog.
I would like to nominate the following two friends for candy:-
Many thanks for the chance to enter.
Hugs Susie xx
Hi from Argentina!
thanks for the chance to win , specialy becouse we don't have any of this stuff here.
I would like to nominate the following two friends of mine for candy:-
Thanks again!
this is my bloghttp://sassy-sassyssecrets.blogspot.com/
and my friend http://june-yorkielover.blogspot.com/
and a second friend who has http://diamonddollscraftyspace.blogspot.com/so kindly been helping me set up my blog so a pressie for her
What a lovely idea!!!
Here is my blog:
and because I am very new to this blogging thing, I don't have any blog friends yet, but I like these ladies to be given candy, if I win:
Fingers crossed :)
Hi There, Fun idea to share with friends!
I'd love to win and to win for some friends. Here's my two:
Thanks for the chance to win!!!
What a beautiful candy!!
We don't have these here in IL...
My 2 friends e-mails are:
Underbart bloggodis underbart sätt att dela ut det på. Crafts ska man ju dela med sina goda vänner :)
Mina två vänner jag önskar ska få dela detta med mig är:
http://ullisdagar.blogspot.com och
Kram Mika
Ps har lagt upp ett inlägg med ditt blog godis på min blog
Oh, that's so sweet of you Camilla !! What a lovely idea :)). Thank you for the chance to win this lovely blogcandy :)). I'll put a link on my blog.
The 2 friends I'd like to give a chance to win this candy too are : http://anjasweblog.blogspot.com/ and http://lim-thevoicesinmyheadlimblog.blogspot.com/
Hugs Monique
Gorgeous candy and thanks for the chance to win this. What a brilliant idea about including your blogging friends. These are the two that I would like to include Donna and Lynsey. Michele x
What a wonderful candy! I also loved the idea of giving the candy to 2 of my blog friends.
Here are the 2 friends, which are wonderfull crafters (they are both from Israel, like me)
1. Pushkia: http://blog.tapuz.co.il/pushkia/
and 2. Alma:http://blog.tapuz.co.il/alma7/
Thanks for giving us the chance to win!
Hi Camilla, very nice blog candy! Thanks for a chance to win! I put a link to my candybar and my 2 friends are:
- Carole http://stardustgemsandribbon.wordpress.com/
- Steph http://stephmuchadoaboutnothing.blogspot.com/
Åh så kul, att mina kompisar kan vinna också :)
Jag vill nominera Marika med http://craftybit.blogspot.com och Nette med http://prinsessornasmamma.blogg.se
WOW! What a great way to surprise a friend!!!
My friends are
- Ninni : http://ninni-70.vuodatus.net/
- Maiju (what a help she is!!!) : http://maiju.vuodatus.net/
Great Idea! I would love to surprise
Cathy: http://www.mystampinggrounds.blogspot.com/
Miliana: http://creationsmilianna.blogspot.com/
Hi Camilla!
What a generous blog candy. I don't have a blog so there's my email.
Vilken rolig blogcandy!
Klart man vill vara med och dela med sina vänner!
Mina vänner är:
Kram Lillemor
Hallo Camilla,
dieses Candy ist Einfach Spitzenklasse!
Ich werde dich auf meinem Blog in der Sidebar veröffentlichen!
grüße aus Deutschland
For en nydelig blogg candy!
Jeg ville delt denne med
http://tullaiskogen.blogspot.com/ som viste meg denne bloggen
som er syk + har syk mann og barn. God bedring!
Hilsen Randi / www.gaardervestad.blogspot.com
Nice blog candy!! Thanks for offering it! Here are the two bloggers I would like to do something nice for:
Samantha: http://stampinwithsami.blogspot.com/
Linda: http://olivestamps.blogspot.com/
Kjempeartig blogcandy, jeg kjenner bare en person i kortlagingsverden så jeg ville gjerne gledet henne dersom jeg ble trukket ut
den andre vil jeg gi til
Marianne - hun er en vannvittig dyktig kortlager og produserer noe helt enormt med kort.
For et lekkert sukkertøy! Fikk vann i munnen :)
Har lagt inn innlegg på bloggen min, og de jeg ønsker å glede er
Carina - http://caiahobby.blogspot.com
Camilla -
Dette var en super ide, må jeg huske til en gang jeg skal glede noen gjennom bloggen.
Flotte premier også:0)
Jeg vil gjerne glede Randi med bloggen:
Det var jo gjennom henne jeg fant den flotte bloggen din.
Og Belinda med bloggen:
Som smittet meg med skrapesyken;-D
..altså inspirerte meg til å begynne å scrappe*ler*
Ha en fin uke videre!
Klem fra Aina.
http://sharonsfamilylife.blogspot.com/ post your blog candy on my blog
very cool!!!
will link you to my http://lovinlifescrapinit.blogspot.com/
my crafty...stamp lovin friend http://scrappintillthecowscomehome.blogspot.com/
my girl http://tammyjeske.blogspot.com/ cause she rawks!
thanks for doing this...me & my friends are in Canada...hopefully that is not an issue, but if so no biggie...cool giveaway anyways :)
Hei Camilla.
For en utrolig morsom candy. Jeg krysser fingre og tær for premien. Jeg har invitert min gode venninge Tonje http://toneloni.blogspot.com og Gro http://groskortblogg.blogspot.com.
Så nå bare håper og venter jeg.
Ha en fin dag.
Klem Else Britt (Bessa)
Oh, not just one, but 3 Candies for me and my friend. ;) Great!
I would like to surprise my friend Roberta and my blog-friend Phoenix
Thank you very much.
Hugs, moi
Super candy! Hvis jeg vinner vil jeg dele med Lise og Gunn Marit
Klem, Gro
Wow, I just love the idea. Unfortunately I don't have a blog, but I love the stamps and goodies.Thank you for the chance to enter.Hugs
South Africa
Oj, vad kul. Har aldrig tidigare varit med i något sådant här, så nu tänkte jag försöka. Skriver på min blogg och länkar hit.
Mina två vänner som jag önskar lite godis är:
Camilla som har bloggen "Camillas Magnolia kort" http://pysselsidan.blogspot.com/
Och så Anita som har bloggen "Anitas blåa blogg" http://anita.bloggagratis.se/
Måste få säga att du har så mycket sött att titta på. Det ger en en massa inspiration.
Ha det gott
oh what a lovely idea!! I would love to be a part of your candy and nominate my two fellow scots bloggers Tina http://macpurp.blogspot.com/
and dawn
I will go and link you onto my blog now :o)
Amandax xxx
Vilken inspirerande blogg du har Camilla. Sååå vackra alster,njuter av att titta in då och då.
Vill gärna vara med på denna vinstutdelning.
2 vänner till mig
Hälsningar Suvi
Åh vad generös du är!! Jag vill gärna vara med och framför allt nominera två goa tjejer:
1. Anki, som alltid har så snälla och söta kommentarer. - http://ljuvligtvitt.blogspot.com/
2. Rimna, en underbar, genomsnäll och go tjej! - http://rimna.blogspot.com/
Tack snälla för chansen! :0)
Kramen Kicki
Kjempe fin blog candy! Eg har laget link på siden min
What a lovely way to win for yourself and your friends, thank you so mucc for the chance to win ..
I would like to nominate the following two friends of mine for candy
Fingers crossed ladies. xx
Hi Camilla!Wow, what a wonderful Blogcandy. Thanks for the chance.
ah candy!!love it,so I'm in for the win?!you have a nice blog!!!
Dette var da en svært så generøs candy!
Selv om jeg har fryktelig lyst på en av disse fantastiske gavene selv, velger jeg å nominere tre av mine stempelvenninner - og utelater meg selv! Anita, Kirsten og Maya er ikke bare utrolig dyktige stempelscrappere, men også noen fantastiske herlige damer, som jeg synes fortjener hver sin overraskelse!
Så morsomt Camilla. Dette vil jeg være med på. Ikke bare fordi jeg ønsker med det lille eselet med ballonger, men fordi jeg også kan glede noen andre.
Det er så mange blogvenner som fortjener en liten oppmerksomhet, men denne gangen vil jeg gjerne glede:
Hege- Annie: http://hegeas.blogspot.com/
Da krysser jeg "hele meg" i håp om å vinne!
Hi Camilla, what a wonderful idea to giveaway candy to friends. My blog is The Crafty Den
I'd like to share it with
Clare Taffys Crafty Creations
Sally-Ann Love to Doodle
Hugs, Denise x
Wow wow wow! Så utrolig flott!
Dette har jeg lyst til å vinne sammen med:
Great blogcandy! Thanks for the chance to win!
My 2 blog friends that I would love to have the prize are:
I became a follower and posted a link on my blog:
Hej Camilla!
Jag har länkat till denna candy, för den är verkligen generös och förtjänar en massa uppmärksamhet.
De jag skulle ge candy till är min goda vän
1.Anna http://morfen.blogg.se/
2.Carola http://puffi.se/
Carola har inte scrappat så länge men är redan fast, detta skulle uppskattas stort.
Massa kramar, Daniela/Neliz
Thanks for the chance to win such lovely candy Camilla and to be able to surprise two friends. I've only recently set up my blog so I'm going to choose my first (and only two as yet followers):
Susie at http://sassydesignsbysusie.blogspot.com/ and
Louise at http://pinkpuppysblog.blogspot.com/
I have put a photo link on my blog: http://skylarkssnippets.blogspot.com/
Stef x
WOW! Now this is a special blog canady! I'd love to nominate the following two people who have especially helped encourage me in this adventure called Stamping/Cardmaking!http://www.joemamainks.blogspot.com/ and also HTTP://KRAFTYKIDFAMILY.BLOGSPOT.COM/ They are both extra sweet and would deserve some candy!
Wow this is such a wonderful idea! Thank you for the fabulous opportunity to not only win something for myself but for two other fabulous people as well.
She is the most generous person I have ever met.
Another very generous woman.
I have added a picture and link to my sidebar.
What a neat idea for blog candy!!!
Here are my two friends:
Siobhan at http://the-monkey-hut.blogspot.com/
Alison at http://alisonskitchenandcrafts.blogspot.com/
Thank you for a chance of winning candy for my friends and I,
my friends blogs are http://bevtspage.blogspot.com/ who is new to blogging and doing well,
my second choice of friend is
who I would just love to cheer up with the candy, (cant put reasons on here why)
put a link on my blog for you,
Hugs from Angie
Hi What a sweet Idea
I'm new to blogging but these two girls are really sweet and deserve the create also they are Very Generous :)
Thanks for the chance Nikki
Off to go add you into my blog
Hi Camilla, your candy is amazing. Thanks for the chance to win. I´ve added it on my sidebar.
Hi Camilla,
This is a really lovely idea, so generous.
Thanks so much for the chance to win!
The friends that I would like to win are: Saskia and Nicole
Thanks again,
Hei! For en kjempefin Blogcandy!
Jeg vil gjerne linke til min tante http://hesteberta.blogspot.com/
og hennes søster
Dette var en kjempefin måte å glede noen på!
Hi Camilla,
What gorgeous candy you have on offer and such a brilliant idea too.
I would love to win this and share with my friends
http://marceascraftingcorner.blogspot.com/ and
gud så dyktig du er å lage kort, kan godt forstå at stempelglede vil ha deg i DT. Jeg må samtidig få si at dette var en utrolig flott candy, tenk å kunne få glede meg selv og to andre ved bare å lage et innlegg i bloggen. Ihvertfall, de to jeg ønsker å glede om jeg skulle være den heldige er:
http://lottenslilleverden.blogspot.com/ denne damen har inspirert meg veldig mye med sine vakre kreasjoner,samtidig så er jeg veldig lei meg på hennes vegne da hun nettopp har mistet sin kjære mor.
den andre jeg vil glede er:
denne damen har jeg blitt kjent med gjennom et babyforum, og hun begynte med scrapping i des 08 om jeg ikke tar helt feil, og har virkelig imponert meg.
Ha en strålende dag
Mvh http://krimsogkrams.blogspot.com
Isabell (Taranita)
waauw, what an original blog candy, and super stuff too :)
I would like to link to my 2 friends
Kathleen - http://kathleen1983.blogspot.com/
Renske - http://www.rlb-design.blogspot.com/
Best regards, Lien
What a lovely idea for a blog candy and 3 fab giveaways here!
the two friends I'd like to share this with are:
Hagit- hagit1112@gmail.com
ruth- wish.tuti@gmail.com
and my e-mail is: anat1507@gmail.com
Great idea!!oh lovely candy...
I have blogifriends Anutiina : http://anutiina.blogspot.com/ and Kahvipapu http://kahvinpapu.blogspot.com/.
My blog is http://vasemmalkadella.blogspot.com/
Greetings from Finland
What a great way to run blog candy. I had a hard time choosing the friends so I went with my best commenters who I really appreciate. So in no particular order:
Riet of the Netherlands found at
and Shirley of the USA found at
Both of these gals are great bloggers.
What wonderful blog candy, Camilla! Thanks for the chance to win, and spread the love to a couple of friends!
Here are my two blog friends I would love to share this with:
Great candy! Here's my link . If I'd win I would give the other packages to Linda for organizing a great stamping weekend 2 weeks ago and Lauren because she's the only follower of my blog! Thanks for a chance to win! Greetings from Belgium, Annelies
Wow AWESOME blog candy thanks for the chance to win. YOur work is amazing, I really enjoyed my visit here. Have a wonderful day. I'm linking you in my sidebar!
Great blog candy! I'll play... My two favorite bloggers right now are:
Lou http://scrapprentice.blogspot.com/
and Theresa
I'd love to share with them!
I've posted about this candy in blg..
What a fantastic blog candy idea. My two blogging friends are:
Chris who is as lovely in 'real life' as she is in blogland and
Tonya who always makes time to leave lovely comments on my blog.
Hei Camilla ;-)
For en nydelig vri på en blogg candy!
Hyggelig gjort å glede flere på en gang ;-)
De jeg ønsker skal få en candy sammen med meg er Anne Bente med http://www.annebente.blogspot.com/ og - vet ikke om jeg tør si det, men det er deg - det er vel ingen som lager flottere kort enn deg - så http://cstoen.blogspot.com/ - vet ikke om det er lov, men jeg prøver meg jeg.Nå er det bare å håpe at man blir plukket ut;-)
What great candy! Thank you for the chance!
I would LOVE to win for me and my 2 friends. Jana because she will always be my best friend and Tessa because she is always so positive and helped me find courage to apply for a couple design teams!
Wow i just love the whiff of joy set would love to be in with a chance to win this fabby candy,just come across your blogg and love it! thanks jude
Srry for got to add the names of the people iwould like to win the candy
max as shes had tough year with not being well http://maxscraftcreations.blogspot.com/2009/04/new-winners-come-on-down.html
my daughter who helps me alot as i have cfs/me
Thanks jude
I guess I didn't read the directions clear enough. I really dont have any "friend" bloggers so If I were to be chosen I would pick ladies from your list of comments, I know how it feels to come back and check for blog candy and never be chosen so I would give someone really looking forward to winning a chance.
I have your blog linked to my sidebar. Have a great day and Thanks!
This is soooo nice of you. Thank you very much for a great idea!!!! And of course a wonderfull candy
Thank you
Hi Camilla! datteren min navn Kamila! my blog: http://agi-aigul.blogspot.com/2009/03/blog-post_31.html
& http://serafimaag.blogspot.com/
& http://irika666.blogspot.com/
Jeg tror på flaks! Hilsener fra Russland
Wow, this is a really generous offer. The two people I would like you to give the candy to are:
Roz - http://rozzyb.blogspot.com/ - because she is always so helpful to others
Shirley - http://nannieflash.blogspot.com/ - because she will put them to good use.
I've put a link on my sidebar to spread the word. Thanks very much,
Hi Camilla,
This is such a great idea. I would love to win these great prizes, thanks for the chance. I will link this on my blog.
The two friends I would like to nominate are Linnie and Marcea
Jen x
What a great candy and of course what a great idea!!!!!!
Here is my first friend to which I want to do something good
Here is my other girlfriend.
Thanks for the chance to win.
Hugs Ivi
Wonderful idea and amazing blog candy.
My friends are Rа4ето and Dani. Thank you for a chance.
I have left a link about your candy on the right sidebar on my blog.
Oh you are to sweet!! I love your blog and of course your blog candy is wonderful!! That is just so sweet to give someone a chance to win plus 2 of their friends will get a prize also. :-)
I would have to pick http://jacque4u2c.blogspot.com/
because she is always leaving everyone a nice comment on their blogs.
because she is my lovely sister!!
Waw, what a great idea for a fab blog candy. Thanks for a chance to win.
My friends I would love to share
1. http://sonja68.blogspot.com/
2. http://ustvarjalnedrobtinice.blogspot.com/
xoxo, Špela
Amazing candy :)And thanks for the chance to win some for the friends too :) I've two friends who maybe could use some candy right now and they are Oliveria and Tiina!
Have a great weekend!
Smiles from Finland,
Wow, your work is just beautiful, thank you so much for sharing!
What a great idea!! My b/f Flower would love to win some blog candy! Her link is:
And one other friend who would love to win is Dianne, her link is here:
I am off to post your blog candy on my sidebar now! Thank you so much for the chance for my friends and I to win this awesome candy!
Kim P.
This is an awesome idea and I love candy and so do my friends! So here are two links of a couple of my friends.....http://callista72.blogspot.com/andhttp://thetuckerwolekclan.blogspot.com/
I love blog candy!!!
That is so nice to make it where 2 friend's can win as well!! How awesome!!
I wrote a post on my blog which you can find here..
I choose these 2 friend's..
Michele at..
Katrina at..
Thanks for the chance!!!
Thank you for the chance at great blog candy for me and two friends!!!
Here's my two friends
Hugs & Good luck to all!!
:) Buffie
This candy is realy diferent than others. I like it.
My friends:marika
and Janja
It's not so easy to decide.
Now i get to put your candyon my blog.
OH wow, what a cute idea, fantastic, and the blog candy is fantastic too!!!!
Here are my two friends
Tracey - http://tj-runningwithscissors.blogspot.com/
Polly - http://artfulwings.blogspot.com/
and my own
Oh WOW i,d love to win me and 2 buddies this gorgeous candy. My 2 buddies are.have linked you on my sidebar.
Liza= http://lizascraftyspot.blogspot.com/
Thanx for the chance.
Trish (-:
Wow... you are so generous!! Thanks for sharing this lovely candy!! Someone, somewhere will be very happy with it... I can only dream it's me... and my friends!!
my craftfriends :
What a wonderful prize. You can see the message on my blog http://shana0780.canalblog.com/archives/2009/04/03/13253914.html
I forget to give the two links
What a lovely way to offer candy!
My two blogging pals are:
Hazel, my penfriend. We met when we both belonged to a health related forum and every month we send each other a card and ATCs. http://didosdesigns.blogspot.com/
And also Pamela who I only recently got to know through a craft forum. Like me she's called Pamela, hates being called Pam, and uses the nickname PJay (I use PJ).Her blog is http://www.pjayscraftblog.blogspot.com/
I will happy post a link to your blog on http://pamelaspages.blogspot.com/
Hugs Pamela
Vilken supercandy! Tack för chansen!
Jag har skrivit om den på min blogg:
Jag vill nominera min vän Coni till en av priserna för hon är en härlig tjej som jag mötte genom stämpling (hon bor i Tyskland)
Den andra är en polsk tjej som har haft det jobbigt ett tag. De har dessutom inte så fina grejor där och det skulle vara kul att överraska henne då vi inte känner varandra.
Really great blog candy! Thanks for this chance.
The two people I woul like to nominate are:
the person who got me into stamping:
and a lovely person I am glad I met through my blog
i worte a comment but i don't see it - so i'm writing again (hope it won't apper twice)
my friends are amit and efrat - we don't have blog so here is my mail - hope to win this
Thanks for the chance.
I would like to share the candy with:
Thank you
camilla, what a novel and generous way to offer candy! I want to nomiate 2 girls who work quietly and dilegently in the background in the DT teams that I belong to. They do all the hard grafting of posting the photos and commenting on everyone's blogs. the girls are Gayle: www.littlebirddesign.blogspot.com
and Tara :
Sorry, I haven't done a linky to them..not sure how!
Judy x
what a great idea,
ok I will link you on my sidebar as soon as I'm finished here, but I would like to nominate my bestest blogging chum Mar http://mrs-mag.blogspot.com/ because she is going in for a major operation this week and I think she could do with a bit of cheering up. And my other nomination would be Meahni who lives in South Africa and finds it hard to get hold of these beautiful stamps http://meahni-animalfactory.blogspot.com/
good luck to everyone who enters
Hello. I try it for my friends. So Here a link for my blog: http://scrapetpuces.blogspot.com/2009/04/camillas-blogg.html
And then my friens blogs :
Thank you so much for offering such delicious candy! What a fabulous and novel idea! I would like to nominate my wonderful blogging friends Dei and Sparkle:
http://deifen-allthatglitters.blogspot.com and http://sparklecreations.blogspot.com
They are such wonderful and encouraging crafty friends who always take the time to pop by my little blog.
I've popped a link and picture on my sidebar on my blog.
Hugs, Sem x
wow -such genourosity...i would love to to win and pamper two of my friends. i'm now working on starting a blog so for now this is my mail: yael.yaniv4@gmail.com
my friend's blogs:
Hi Camilla brill blog you got & great candy, my friends I would lik to surprise are Di
2nd friend Ann
Thanks for the chance to win.
hugs Christine xx
For got to say I have linked your candy to my side bar.
hugs Christine xx
Vilket roligt sätt att lotta ut blogcandy på!
Här är mina 2 vänner!!
Själv har jag länkat ditt blog candy på min blogg....
Kram Susan
I've looked at some of your cards - BEAUTIFUL! I would love to win your candy, and if I did the two friends I'd like to win with me are:
Candy at http://candy-momentsintime.blogspot.com/
Nicki at http://littletedcards.blogspot.com/
I'm off now to add a link and pic to my CandyBar. Thanks for a chance!
Heya i’m for the first time here. I came across this board and I find It truly useful & it helped me out a lot. I hope to give something back and help others like you helped me.
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