Here is another cute image which is coming tomorrow!! Be sure to visit Whiff of Joy then!
I have made a quite simple card with it.

The first one is from the very talented Kathy. I just love her use of colours!
This one is from the lovely Camilla. She makes the cutest cards, I am in love with them!! And if you read the text you can see it is for me:) It is so great to get a personal card like that!!
The last one I got is from the very talented Deb. It is sooo gorgeous!:) Look at the way she is combinding colours and papers!!
Thank you soo much all three!! A card from you is certanly very special to me:)
And thank you for visiting my blog!

And thank you for visiting my blog!
20 kommentarer:
Oh my isn't he wonderful! Thanks so much for the preview and adding to my always growing collection of Stamps I must own! Your card is just so peaceful and beautiful!
Your card is beautiful & that stamp is great!!! :o)x
The little boy angel is too cute... your card is beautiful.
Flotte kort du har fått. Ser at det har kommet utrolig mange fine Whipp of Joy stempler i det siste. Får masse inspirasjon av å se i bloggen din. Ønsker deg en god helg!
Camilla he looks wonderful such soft colours..magnificent. the cards you have received are beautiful. how special. hugs rachxx
Your card is gorgeous & so are the others, cant wait for the new releases!
Hei du... som mye fint Wiff of joy kommer med. Jeg gleder meg til i morgen, må skaffe meg noen av disse stemplene snart:) ellers må jeg jo si at kortet ditt er nydelig!
Så hyggelig å få så mange flotte kort i posten da!! Heldige deg:)
God helg
klem, Angella
I'm not so sure I should be thanking you for showing me this CUTE new stamp that's means I have to spend more money because it's definitely a MUST HAVE! LOL
How wonderful to get such cute handmade cards in the mail! What a treat!
Thanks for always being such an inspiration with all your projects you post! I just love coming to your blog each day!
As usuall they are STUNNING ..I am sure you have had loads but have left you a blog award on my blog .
Beautiful card. That image is sooo cute. I love the way you coloured him. Michele x
Love the way you use these soft and powdered tones, they look so great. This is so sweet image :)
And what a fab cards you have received, lucky girl!
Nydelig kort igjen!!! Og så flotte kort du har fått, da!!
Husker ikke om jeg har kommentert teesken din, men jeg synes den er helt super!!! Nydelig pyntet og helt FAB!
tusen takk for koselig kommentar på kortet mitt! Alltid kjekt! Klem
Gorgeous card Camilla, love the cute image and what beautiful cards you recieved. Have a great Weekend. Hugs Nikki x
Wow Camilla. Lucky you receiving so many wonderful cards. :))
And your card is stunning as usual.
Huliattentei Camilla, så masse flott du har laget den siste uka da! Må bare slå sammen alt i en kommentar - og si meg enig med Torill i at den te-eska var kanon!!!
Ellers er jo bloggen din reneste reklameplakaten for WOJ - gull verdt for dem, så masse flotte kort som du lager med stemplene deres! Lekkert & vakkert, alt sammen :)
God helg og god klem :)
beautiful card, love the new Whiff of Joy stamp, he is adorable, so glad you like your card, love the others too.
Wow I love the Whiff of Joy card you have made, what an absolutely adorable image you've used. You are lucky to have received such gorgeous cards from your friends too. Big Hugs Linda x
Love the new stamp. Great cards from your friends. I shall have to go visit their blogs. thanks for sharing these.
Beautiful Whiff of Joy card! I love your distress ink coloring! It's so beautiful!
Hugs~ Kim
What an adorable image !! Love the way that you have colored him in!! Also so glad you liked your card!! :)Kathy
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