I hope you are having a wonderful time!
It is New Year soon and Bjarne is preparing a good dinner,
while I am struggeling with my top 10 list for 2011:)
I think it was very difficult this year.
And I am still not quite sure if these 10 are the ones I like the best, you might have others:)
But now I will take you through my list, and I will start with my earliest favourite.
It's a pop-up card I made in February. Above you see the front of the card, and under you see the inside. I love making pop-up cards, and I have one more among my favourites aswell.
In March I made this Easter set. And it is the first time I made a cup cake. The matching card is an oval easel card.
I have chosen this card because I love these papers from Maja Design. and the Bon Voyage Collection from Magnolia is one of my favourite stamp collections. The gorgeous text-stamp is from Stempelglede. It is made in May. Also my next favourite is from May.
It's a book card! Ohh I love making these, and this year I have made many.
Above is the front, and under is the inside.
And laying down:)
My next favourite is a card I made for Magnolia Ink. And I published it in June.
It is another pop-up card, and you can see the inside above, and the front under.
It also made the cover of the Magnolia Ink!
My next favourite is a Twisted Easel Card. It is made in July.
I think the image is so cute, and great to color.
And this card is one of several I made in these colours and with the same image.
Here are some others:
Here comes a wedding card I made in July. It is an Easel Step Card.
This advent calendar was this years biggest project!:)
And if you would like to see it, you can visit the Magnolia Shop in Borås:)
Here is another Book Card I made with a Sweet Pea image. It is from November.
I think these images are really beautiful, and I have several projects with them among my top 20:)
It had to be my Stationary Box which I made for the Magnolia Advent Calendar that has been going on in December. Above is the outside. And under you can see how it looks like inside.
Some cards and tags that were inside the box.
There was my list finished, no room for more creations. I am really looking foreward to 2012, and what happens then. I have no plans yet. But hope I will be able to take a trip to Sweden again with my friends here, and meet my dear Scrapping friends there.
In 2011 I first traveled to Bardufoss and Målselvscreppa, which was great fun. I wish I would have had more time there, so I could have seen more of that beautiful part of Norway and gotten to know the lovely peaple I met a bit more:) I will remember this 4ever!
And not long after I was invited to Borås by Magnolia. I got a great room in a Spa-Hotel, and had a workshop in the Magnolia shop. It was like a dream. And I am so happy that my friends Janne and Audhild could come with me.
Here are some photos:
Monique, Camilla, Lillemor and little me from Strandebarm in Norway:)
And under is me having a colouring workshop:
In my summerholiday I visited Borås, and I met my DT friends Camilla H and Lillemor. They are both just so lovely and beautiful ladies. And now I met them again, together with my wonderful DT-friend Monique from the Netherlands. I had the time of my life!!♥
On the last day of this year I would like to wish you with all my heart
Love from Camilla
19 kommentarer:
Hvilke fantastiske prosjekter Camilla og så moro å se de igjen!
Alltid inspirerende og alltid de mest vidunderlige kreasjoner
Tusen takk søte du for all herlig inspirasjon du gir og jeg gleder meg veldig til å følge ditt kreative liv i bloggen i 2012.
Ønsker deg og Bjarne et riktig Godt nyttår og kos dere i kveld!
Varme klemmer
Du lager så utrolig mye flott. Kort helt etter min smak, og det er så gjennomført og lekkert! Riktig god nytt år, håper det blir mye inspirasjon i bloggen din i 2012 også :)
Your work is always amazing!
I wish you Happy and creative New Year!!!
Gott Nytt År Camilla!
En helt sagolik resa har det varit att få följa dig år 2011.
Så otroligt många vackra kort och projekt som du har gjort.
Förstår att du har svårt att välja din lista...ja..det är ju helt omöjligt.
Men jag ser att du har gjort ett mycket bra val.
Tusen TACK för allt det vackra och all inspiration som du ger Camilla.
Ett minne som ligger mig varmt om hjärtat är då vi sågs.
Jag hoppas att det snart blir igen.
Jag önskar dig och Bjarne ett riktigt Gott Nytt År.
Och det ska bli spännande att få se vad du bjuder på år 2012.
Kramar till dig....
Hvilken vidunderlig vakker årskavalkade, og veldig hyggelig å se dem igjen :-) Jeg klarer nesten ikke å plukke ut noen favoritt, jeg, for alle er helt fantastiske!
Riktig godt nyttår, gleder meg til å følge deg videre i 2012!
Klem fra Anne
(som også sitter og koser meg mens mannen lager middag ;-)
Underbara alster, alla så välarbetade! GOTT NYTT ÅR!
Kram, Erica (fd dt-kompis på StampArtic)
Hon I so love all of these projects you have here. Your work is all so very gorgeous and I always love visiting your blog. You always give such gorgeous inspiration. I hope you have a Happy New Year dear. Hugs
Hi Camilla!
Thanks for sharing, they are all GORGEOUSSSSSSS!!!
It was GREAT to see you and follow your workshop at the Magnolia shop, one of my favourite things of2011!!!
Have a WONDERFUL 2012!!!
Big Hugs,
Fantastiske kort!!! Og Fantastisk fargelegging på hver og en!! Blir alltid så innspirert av dine kort. Alltid noe nytt å plukke opp hos deg. Gleder meg til å følge deg i 2012 også!
Godt Nytt År! :o)
En toppen lista tycker jag all ddenna insperationen som du ger oss är så underbara verk. TACK för det och god fortsättning på2012
They are all so beutiful! Happy New Year!
Du lager alltid så flott kort - og jeg gleder meg til å gå inn i bloggen din for å se hva nytt du har laget :-) Du er til kjempe stor inspirasjon!
Takk for at du deler alt det flotte du lager. Gleder meg til å se alt det flotte du lager i 2012!
Godt nytt år:-)
Das sind wirklich ganz wundervolle Projekte, die du gemacht hast.
Ich wünsche dir für das Jahr 2012 alles Liebe, Glück, Gesundheit und viel Kreativität.
Vannvittig flotte prosjekter.
Klem fra Kaia
Forstår godt det var vanskelig å velge ut bare 10 kort. De du har valgt er fantastiske! Du har en fantastisk stil, som jeg digger;) Håper 2012 blir fantastisk og at vi får en ny tur til Sverige. Stor klem♥
Vilken härlig resa bland dina favoriter, jag njöt varenda sekund! Ska bli spännande att se hur tekniker och annat utvecklas under 2012, det sker ständigt något nytt. Det var verkligen trevligt att få träffas i somras och i höstas och jag längtar tills vi ses nästa gång.
Ha det riktigt gott.
KRAM Lillemor
Hej Camilla,
Dina kreationer är bara såååå underbara, så för mig är det fullständigt omöjligt att välja en favorit bland dessa dina favoriter. :-) Tack för all inspiration under det gångna året; ser fram emot att se mer av din kreativitet under 2012. Gott Nytt År!
Camilla this is so nice to see all your 'besties!' all in one place together. My fave all time make of yours has to be no. 4 - I remember I'd just discovered your blog around this time & sat looking at this in awe for ages! - Then again every one fo your creations are special & simply sensational, please keep it up your such a source of inspiration!
I have been absent for a while, but now I remember why I used to love this website. Thank you, I’ll try and check back more often. How frequently you update your site?
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