I actually were given the power to decide this week challenge aswell!! It was great fun! The task is to make a foldercard! And in your favourite colours at the moment:) I couldn't belive my eyes when I saw the amazing work from the DT!! Just have a look! And here is also my card:

I have coloured the image Reflective by Elisabeth Bell, for Sugar Nellie.

I have also made a tutorial for the folder card! You will find it on Sukkersøtt's challenge blog:) Under you can see the card from the side.

If you enter you can be the lucky winner of this great stamp! Sponsored by Whiff of Joy!

And for the second I got this great award from the two amazing girls Dawn and Rachel! Thank you so much:)
Rules for the JAVABLU AWARD:
1. The winner can put the logo on their blog. 2. Link the person you received your award from. 3. Nominate at least 5 other blogs. 4.Before listing the nominees give a brief reason why you chose them 5. Put links of those blogs on yours. 6. Leave a message on the blogs you have nominated.
Ok, I want to give this award to
Kathy: She makes wonderful cards, I love her style! And she is the kindest and very helpful:)
Kim: She makes soo cute cards, and leaves me many kind comments! You make my day!!
Elisabeth: I love the images she designs. They are simply amazing!! And it was great fun to be in her spotlight;)
Camilla: She has a lovely, tender and beautiful style. And I love it. She is also the sweetest person:)
Hanne: She is really talented, and everytime she posts a new post I can find something special, personal, and filled with love there. Just love to visit her blog. But I don't like her favourite soccer team (therefor she is on the bottom of my list!! Haha;))
Thank you for visiting! Have a great weekend:)
22 kommentarer:
OMG, så produktiv du er!!
Så søtt dette kortet er!! :)
Nydelig mappekort! :)
God helg! *klem*
Nydelig kort du har laget for sukkersøtt, Camilla. Gleder meg til å ta utfordringen!
Klem fra meg
Oh WOOWWW!!!! Camilla!! Your creation is MAGICAL!!! SO gorgeous!! Ooohh, and thank you SO very much for the lovely award! You are a SWEETHEART!! And it was my absolute pleasure featuring you in the Designer Spotlight!! You are a truly fantastic Designer!!
Biggest Hugs to You!!
Elisabeth xx
Hehe... Jeg må bare le litt først. Så du liker altså ikke RBK? Hmm.... Selv bor jeg midt i vålerengaland og med et stort fortballhjerte i Trondheim... "E itj ænkelt, nei!" ;) Vi får se når serien er slutt. I Trondheim kalte vi Brann for "bortelaget 10-0".... med det var i 93/94...
Nei, over til noe litt mer seriøst. Herlig utfordring Camilla. I morgen går jeg løs på den, men først må jeg se om jeg klarer å sette opp en lavvo alene;) Mulig jeg finner inspirasjon der!
Ja, og nå har jeg fått Sarah Kay stempler i hus...tror jeg:)
Ha en god helg!
Utrolig flott kort og digger utfordringen:)
Klem fra Lene.
åååå så utrolig masse nydelig du hadde laget da mens jeg har hatt datakrøll og ikke fått sett på noe som helst. Her var det jo bare å nyte og beundre alle kunstverkene dine. DU ER KJEMPEDYKTIG min venn
Ønsker deg en god helg
Stor klem fra
Gratulerer som gjeste designer på sukkersøtt! Og takk for tutorial på desse stilige korta!!!
Håper eg får tid å henge meg med...
Og kortet ditt er jo som alle dine kort; Vakkert!!! Nydelig fargelagt og nydelige farger og perfekte detaljer!!!!
Rett og seltt herlig, nok en gang!
Ha ei kjempeflott helg!
Well done my friend on the GD slot - such an amazing card and I'm sure it will inspire so many to make one.
What a lovely guest challenge you have made. I am gonna have a go this week-end. I just love your blog and congratz on your award
so I am finally out of the vacation "stress" and am blogging again!! You have made very beautiful cards the last period. Love your cards with the whiff of joy stamps!! Congratulation on your guest designing!! Have a wunderful weekend, will come and see you more regular again ;-))
Hahaha, Camilla, du er nå så morsom atte *ler meg skakk* men hvem er i UEFA-cup'en da? Hæ? 5-0! Say no more :)
Men at TUUUSEN takk for den awarden, den gjorde virkelig susen så godt etter denne uka, jeg begynte nesten å sippe :)
Og grattis som veldig flott gjestedesignerdebut! Har gledet meg leeenge til å lage det mappekortet, og du hildrane, så artig det var, tror det blir julekort av disse her jeg :)
Lang dags ferd må snart køye, stor og god nattaklem til deg! Du er fantastisk på alle måter :)
Just thoguht id say you inspired me to try making a folder card as I usually make wallets, Im glad i did so thank you lol
This one of yours is so pretty!
Beautiful folder card Camilla, i love the cute image and all the great detail with the pretty blooms. Hugs Nikki x
Congrats on being guest designer and what a wonderful creation you have made. I do so love your use of blue and your colouring is inspirational. Thanks for the tutorial
lots of hugs Jacqui x
Hei på deg.
Utfordringen din var så uimotståelig at jeg måtte være med, for første gang. Og kortet ditt var
helt nydelig ;-)
Hvis jeg nå bare klarer å linke til bloggen min så kan det bli bra.
Ha en fortsatt fin helg ;-)
what a wonderful creation Camilla.
congratulations on your GDT spot.. well deserved.
you take fabulous pictures as well.
Congrats and your work is so wonderful it will not be the last guest DT or DT for more!
Love the folder card, will go and check out the tutorial.
Wow, congratulations, Camilla, two times, first for being guest designer for Sukkersott( by the way, you were right, I stopped by and the creations of the DT are just beautiful!) and for your award! Both of them deserved!
And your foldercard is perfect, thanks for the inspiration! Have a lovely weekend!
Hugs, Alina
Grattis till uppdraget!
Ett jättesött kort, gillar det verkligen.
Wonderful and gorgeous folder Camilla, love it. Great image and details.
Hugs, Moni
Kanonsött kort!! :-)
For et nydelig kort nok en gang!! Jeg har lyst til å prøve meg på et selv, også har jeg veldig lyst på stemplet, så da tar man sjangsen;-)
Likte godt LO`en din også jeg, så nå kan du bare lage et helt album ;-)
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