I have been a bit anxious if I would post this post...
Because I for the first time have made a LO...
When I got the new stamps from Stempelglede, I thought they looked great for LO's.. But I have never made one myself, only admireing others:) So this was a bit scary! But I did give it a try.

Since many of the stamps were brother and sister-stamps, I found a photo of my brother and me (it is about 2 years ago). He is the afterthought, you can say, cause I am over twice his age (urkhh)! But he is the best brother in the world!!:)

And I hope he still thinks I am the best sister in the world;)

Mønsterark fra Kaiser Craft.
The flowers are from Prima, and the butterfly from Spellbinders. Papers from Kaiser Craft.
Metallpynt ifra Unik Hobby. Jeg har også sprayet på Glimmer Mist, Iridescent Gold.
Metal embellishment from Unik Hobby and Kort og Godt. I have also sprayed on some Glimmer Mist, Iridescent Gold.
It was really hard to photograph the LO. I think the photos looks a bit colourless, compare to real life.
Takk for at du besøker bloggen min!
Thanks for visiting my blog!
14 kommentarer:
Godmorgon vännen!
WoW!!! Inget fel på den camillaDu har även talang för att göra LO:)
Så mycket fint du har fått fram,och i underbara toner.
Hoppas du gör fler:))
Mitt första möte med Papper och blommor var att göra en LO.
Jag hadde fullständig panik, inget blev som jag ville.
Tyckte att det var lättare med kort. Men jag är fruktansvärt sugen på att göra en LO igen....
Riktigt bra var den.
Och ni är såå fina ihop...
Kram Camilla
Dette er en nydelig LO, Camilla! Wow, skulle ikke tro det var din første! Liker oppsettet, fargene, ja alt! Herlig bilde av deg og broren din :)
Nå er det en stund siden sist jeg var innom, og du har jammen laget mye fint!! Det forrige julekortet er utrolig lekkert, herlige farger!!
Ha en god helg!
Klem fra Gunhild
oh my word Camilla.....are you sure that you haven't done a lo before?????
This looks like you have been doing them forever....fantastic. so lovely...is there no end to your wonderful talents???
You rock girl!!!!
Hugs Rachxx
WOW fantastic LO can't believe its your first look forward to seeing more.
just popped by to say there is an award for you on my blog...you don't have to pass it on but just wanted to give it to you...Hugs Rachxxxx
Oh my goodness Camilla how great is this I havn't got the faintest idea what an LO is but if they all look as good as this I want to do one. I wish we had a store to buy lovely embellishments and charms they don't seem to supply them anywhere over here. Do you know if the stores you buy from would send to England. You brother looks such a happy boy and I am sure he is proud of his big sister,
Have a lovely weekend honey
Hugs Jacqui x
Just stunning, you should not be anxious, this is a beautiful layout.
Love Debbie xx
...din FÖRSTA??! Oj... Du är proffs på en gång, du! Den är ljuuuvlig! :D
Jaja sier nå jeg. Hadde mitt første forsøk sett sånn ut, så hadde fremtiden sett lys ut...
Den var knallfin, nydelig pyntet og nydelige farger :)
Ha en kjempefin helg ;-)
fabulous layout and a memory of your brother and you to keep. annie x
Holy Smokes girl! this is your first LO! Wow... you rock! This is really beautiful!
Men i alle dager!!! Du kan jo scrappe også!! Ikkje at eg vart så overraska over det, men vart meir overraska over at du var nervøs for å legge ut denne vakre LO`en!!!
Kjære vene, den er jo utrulig nydelig jo, med masse lekre detaljer og veldig koselige stempeler som passa perfekt til bildet!!!
Well Camilla - of course you will noe be doing loads more layouts because this is so beautiful you and your brother look so alike too - it's a lovely photo.
Ooh you might end up with a new addiction!!!
Å wow, så flott den ble!! Virkelig en nydelig første lo altså:)) Håper vi får se mer;)
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